J(ust) A(nother) B(oro) D(evice)


OUTDATED!! Please take a look into .TWO as new version of this mod
Resin (colors and button color combinations are what i offer time to time)
slide in door system
3 versions: normal (side logos, top lettering); biohazard (hazard symbols sides, front logo and lettering, batterie cover lettering); plain 3doors (clean sides, just front logo, 3 door variations -square cut, circles cut, closed)
18650 batterie (slide door cover)
handmade brass boro contact system (does not fit og billet nuts)
front buttons fire, up and down (up and down flush to the surface, so no accidentally hits)
Side button choosable left or right hidden in the side design.
88,5mm x 53,5mm x 26mm